Friday, March 5, 2010

In the issue of "are liberal arts degree's too liberal" I would have to say that I think they are. It is important to be in a field you are interested and like, but I think some liberal arts routes are just too relaxed. I think a college graduate should take classes outside of their major field; they should know how to invest, how to do taxes, complex issues in the political and economics scene. I don't know any of these things. I learned history and some science, a foreign language and religion. This has developed me further and I think that is very important. However, from my liberal arts education, I now know how to carve Norwegian style fine handcrafts, I know how to play racquetball, and how to fly fish, And I know how to play guitar and do improve acting.
These are all good things for society, and I do think it is important for people to get outside of their box and experience other things, but not for school credit. If I want to learn how to play racquetball or play guitar, that's something I can do on my own.
Another issue about education if it is for the common good. Some say that being a music major is important because music is an important part of culture, and it develops us as better people. You can also get a job with a music degree, so why not? And then in that regard some say "If I cant get a job, its my own fault. I knew that was a risk going in to being a dance major."
What I don't understand is the difference between music/dance and basketball. People play music or go to concerts for fun; it is a past time. Dance is for fun, people go out on the weekends to dance. Basketball is also for fun, people do it for a pasttime. So why can't I be a basketball major? Why couldn't Carmello Anthony or Dwayne Wade have been a basketball major in college, they would have used their degree. Music majors graduate and get jobs as choral directors, why cant you major in basketball and become a coach. Who would make a better basketball coach, a history major or a basketball major?
The thought does sounds kind of ridiculus for giving out a bachelor degree in basketball, that is my point. But in the same perspective, I really don't think Theater/dance should be one eaither. If you like basketball, you go out for the sport and play it after class from 4:00 to 7:00 or whenever. If you are good enough, you might do it as a job someday just like everything else. I think maybe theater/dance, could be the same way. If you want to dance thats fine, take a dance class or club from 4:00 to 7:00 every night and maybe you can go do some performances on saturday afternoon at different schools. But should a dance major or basketball major graduate with the same degree as all of these difficult academic majors?

1 comment:

  1. While I respect your argument, I would like to challenge you in defining what "academic" means. In my opinion, music is an academic major and you can read my most recent blog with my reasoning for why I believe this. I am unsure which majors you meant when saying "difficult academic majors," but if you are not including music, I would like to know your reasoning for doing so.
